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Oxford Neolithic Bows

​​​ONB (Oxford neolithic Bows) grew out of an interest in An​cient History and wanting to shoot a bow from the Neolithic/Bronze age period, relevant to the British Isles.  After much research there came to light the Meare Heath bow, found in a Somerset peat bog and dated to 2960BC.  Although the original bow was made of heartwood yew, a faithful replica was made of the bow from a piece of ash. We imagine that the bows from this period would have been decorated and so adornment soon followed in the style of the Neolithic tribes people. This was carried out using natural earth pigments, with designs similar to those found on rocks from this period.  The result is a bow that both shoots well and is an item of beauty.  Following the  design of the original find, another bow was made with leather bindings on the limbs, which made it silent when shot.  Feeling truly inspired, we are making more of these bows, each with individual designs and bindings.

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